Anna Fury
About the Author

Anna Fury is a North Carolina native, fluent in snark and sarcasm, tiki decor, and an aficionado of phallic plants. Visit her on Instagram for a glimpse into the sexiest wiener wallpaper you've ever seen. #ifyouknowyouknow

She writes any time she has a free minute - walking the dog, in the shower, ON THE TOILET. The voices in her head wait for no one. When she's not furiously hen-pecking at her computer, she loves to hike and bike and get out in nature.

She currently lives in Raleigh, North Carolina with her Mr. Right, a three year old tornado and one lovely old dog.

Titles from the author
Kiss the Slipper
Temper the Flame
Sacrifice the Sea
Steal the Sky
Hunt the Wood
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