Undeterred by his untimely death on Earth, 15-year-old Mochizuki Touya continues to meander around in another world!
After a series of misadventures, the young man has assembled a motley crew of adventurers, including the timid mage Linze, the feisty brawler Elze, the ever-hungry samurai Yae, and even the young archer Yumina, heir to the Belfast throne. Together with his party (and a divine white tiger), Touya sets his sights on the horizon, heading for the demi-human kingdom of Mismede! But all is not what it seems...the beastman king issues a personal challenge, and a black-scaled dragon could soon spell out Touya's doom! The curtains lift once again on an epic tale of sorcery, smartphone apps, and...gunblades?! ©2015 Patora Fuyuhara; English translation copyright 2017 by J-Novel Club LLC; Original Japanese edition published in 2015 by Hobby Japan; Cover illustration by Eiji Usatsuka.