The Alchemist

The Alchemist

Performed byNick Flesher
Released:August 20, 2024
Format:Single Narration
Duration:8 hr, 47 min

In his world, he was the last remaining alchemist, one of the few survivors living amidst the ruins of a once-great civilization.

Refusing to give up on life, but seeing that nothing could save his home, he challenged himself to find a way out of such an inhospitable place. After years of dedicated research, he devised a ritual to transport himself to another world. But the outcome was far from anticipated. Instead of mere displacement, he underwent a rebirth. He ended up in a new body, in a new world, surrounded by new threats lurking around every corner. And they primarily manifested themselves in the form of other people. Aristocrats of the ancient empire who fight for supremacy, demons capable of healing the most terrible wounds, and Walkers who have the ability to teleport anywhere they wished. But a true master of alchemy does not allow himself to be perturbed. Edgar's intelligence, skill, and alchemic knowledge are still with him, and the one who has once accomplished the impossible won't go down without a fight, regardless of the circumstances.

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