The truth shall set you free…but first, you've got to fight for it.
Jem, Crystal, and Ruby have found themselves trapped in a world that may or may not be real. However, one thing is clear—their music is the key to unlocking the secrets that keep them captive in a reality beyond their understanding. Back on Paradeisos Island, there's a new building—the Temple of the Morning Sun—but it's locked up tight. To get inside, Jem and his wives will have to journey to distant galaxies, fight killer insect aliens, and try to find a lost starship beyond the edge of the universe. Hearts will be broken, but souls will be saved as Jem finally understands what the Erebos Experience has been trying to tell him all along. Life is the ultimate adventure, and Jem and his wives are destined to become… Masters of Reality. Masters of Reality is a steamy harem mystery/adventure that features scenes of an adult nature. No fading to black. No closed doors. Nothing but sexy fun. Welcome to a mind-bending experience from Aaron Crash, the bestselling author of the American Dragons and the Princesses of the Ironbound series.