A fresh start. An old friend. A terrible enemy.
Colton Beck has a new lease on life. Their alliance is confident they can find their enemy in the Alruna system, and it's all hands on deck. After the revelation of his origins from the mysterious woman on Dicore, Colton is at odds with where his loyalties stand. The truth behind Indie Hart's dedication to the Angor is revealed, making Colton doubt her motives as well as the Angor's. When Earth is threatened, it'll take a lot more than one man to save the planet. With the help of Colton's allies, they find the source of the River, and discover its connection to the Rusa. All pieces come together for a cataclysmic resolution, but who can Colton truly trust? Second Chance is science fiction with a hard twist from the best-selling author of First Life, The Event, and Lost Contact.